


  1. Operating Systems: This is the main link for OS242.
  2. 60 Essential Linux Commands: This is link contain essential linux commands.
  3. Basic Vim Commands: This is the link contain basic vim commands.
  4. GPG Keys: This is the link explaining about GPG Keys
  5. Run C in Linux: This is the link explaining how to Run C in Linux
  6. UUIDs in Linux: This is link about How to get disk and partition UUIDs in Linux
  7. Write a Makefile to compile a simple C program: This is the link from stack overflow that talks about Makefile that will be used to compile a C program
  8. Tar in Linux: This is the link about basic commands for Tape Archive (tar) in Linux
  9. Virtual Memory in Operating System: This is the link about What is Virtual Memory in Operating System
  10. Virtual Memory Allocation Algorithms: This is video about How Does Memory Allocation Work
  11. Docusaurus Video: This is video about Docusaurus in general
  12. malloc(): This is link for more information about Malloc
  13. Deadlock and Starvation: This is link for know more about Deadlock VS Starvation is OS
  14. Semaphore: This is link about Semaphore in process Synchronization
  15. Scheduling: This is link about process schedulers in Operating System
  16. Linux From Scratch: This is link to know more about LFS